Friday, August 1, 2008

Still No Pictures!!

Another busy day with no pictures. I need to break this bad habit immediately!!!
Today was a sad day for me. I went with Taylor to high school orientation. Is it possible that he will start high school in three days? I feel like I just dropped him off for kindergarten and now he is a freshman. I was really happy for him to see he is excited about high school but also sad to realize that he has grown up so fast. He has chosen to continue in the honors program and will have some very challenging classes this year but I know he will do just fine. Imagine my surprise when I saw Aerobic/Dance on his class schedule?! He quickly informed me that it is a weightlifting class for the football players. I just hope I get good pictures at the end of course recital. :) We were told last night that his class will be the largest freshman class to ever attend the school. They will have 32 homeroom classes with approximately 25-30 students in each for a total of around 800 freshman. That should make for a loooooong graduation ceremony in 4 years.

Autumn and Chandler also had their teacher meet and greet last night. They both received the teachers they wanted and are excited about that. I can not believe the summer is over and school will start on Monday. It was such a short summer.

Autumn had her first practice last night for the Stingerz (travel softball team) . Jason said it went o.k. but they have alot of work to do. I wasn't able to help him with practice last night because I was with Taylor. Our first tournament is August 9th so I guess we have alot to do in the next week.

After all the school visits and practices last night we did get to go with a group of friends to the new Mexican Restaurant. It was nice to visit with everyone after a busy couple of weeks.

We are planning to get some school shopping done this weekend and everything ready for the first day of school on Monday.

Have a great weekend.


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